Tag Archives: Firebolt

49/52 Flying with Harry Potter

Side view of Hogwarts

This is a side view of Hogwarts castle in Universal’s Islands of Adventure in Orlando. Doubt that’s Harry Potter flying around up there on his Firebolt.

Flying with Harry Potter was the deciding factor when I asked my teenager to choose from Florida or North Carolina for our family vacation. This is a virtual ride so a fractured fibula didn’t keep me from enjoying it just as much as she did.

We were advised to stow our valuables in lockers before the ride so I’m still kicking myself in the butt for not taking a pocket camera. Also, my cell phone camera stinks so I don’t have inside photos to share.

We stood in line for almost two hours but this attraction is well worth the wait. We made our way through the classrooms and corridors of Hogwarts before soaring above the castle grounds with Harry and his friends.

The Harry Potter island of adventure also features Hogsmeade Village, Hogwarts Express,  the Frog Choir and two coaster attractions.

Photo of the Week series: Every Sunday in 2012 I will either share a photo from my archives or something new I just can’t wait to get feedback on for future art shows/exhibits.

Blogger participation: My hope is to receive enough input on each week’s photo to later post a Bloggers’ Choice of the Month and wrap up 2012 with a Bloggers’ Choice of the Year.